DAC 2021

On: 05-05-2021
After the cancellation of the Dutch Amateur Championship 2020 due to the Covid-19 virus we are happy to announce our tournament in 2021. In co-operation with the Dutch Golf Federation (NGF), the Eindhovensche Golf will be hosting the 21st edition of the Dutch Amateur Championship on 12, 13, 14 August 2021.
In an effort to create a safe and healthy environment at the Dutch Amateur Championship all participants, fans and volunteers will be required to strictly follow the Covid-19 guidelines that will be published on a later date.
Over the years the Dutch Amateur Championship has evolved into the leading golf tournament for amateurs in The Netherlands, with the possibility for amateurs of all ages to earn points for the World Amateur Golf Ranking (WAGR). The Dutch Amateur Championship, consisting of a competition for men and for women, will be played on our beautiful 18-holes golf course which was designed by Harry S. Colt in 1930. The Eindhovensche Golf is currently ranked as number 23 in the Top 100 of golf courses in continental Europe. The Eindhovensche Golf also offers great practice facilities (in- and outdoor).
As it is our ambition to develop the Dutch Amateur Championship into a widely recognised tournament on the European Golf Association’s calendar, attracting Europe’s best amateur golf players, we have decided to also organize a Nations Trophy in conjunction with the Dutch Amateur Championship. We believe that participating with a team of players in our event will provide you with an excellent opportunity to prepare for the World Amateur Championship, which will be held in Singapore in October 2021.
On behalf of the Eindhovensche Golf, it is an honour and our pleasure to invite your Federation to participate in the Dutch Amateur Championship 2021 and the Nations Trophy with a team of your best players. It is important to note that we are also providing all-in packages, to accommodate your teams, and for the ten best players in the Top 200 of the WAGR, we will be covering the costs of registration, breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will find additional relevant details on our website www.dac.golf
Finally, the men’s Dutch Amateur Champion will receive a wildcard for the Dutch KLM Open, which will be held at the Bernardus Golf in Cromvoirt, from 16 to 19 September 2021.
We look forward to welcoming you and your teams at the Eindhovensche Golf in August and should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.